Come see what’s going on with the Jaguars!

The Jaguar Journal is the product of the SCCS Media Literacy class for the 2013-2014 school year comprised by students from ninth through twelfth grade: Gilberto Chavez, Francesca Colanzi, Alexandra Velasco
, Ana Reyes, Vanessa Luna, Tamara Marancenbaum, Fabiana Pena Feeney, Maria Fernanda Flores, Stephanie Vidovic, Rafael Sakuma and Rodrigo Adriazola with the help of Mr. Brody.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Enriching SCCS with Dedication, Passion, Writing and Art

Mrs.Talarico looking over her students' work. (photo by Fabiana P.F.)
"Art is what connects us to all the other areas of intelligence and development. Including people who are inclined to math, or any other field, art opens doors to everything, it gives you the possibility to develop other parts of the mind." – Mrs. Talarico. These are wise words from SCCS’s new art teacher Mrs.Talarico who has made the SCCS community thankful, for the dedication she possesses; and proud, for the many achievements she has acquired through the years.
Living most of her life in Bolivia, but born in Santiago Chile she calls herself a Bolivian. She received her college education in Europe and loves travelling especially when the voyages offer learning and growing experience. Recently going to Turkey she was marveled of the beauty and rich culture of the country. Nether less she feels she has embraced Bolivia and calls it her home. She even dared to say she was “tropicalized” and was “here to stay”.
When I questioned her about her job and why she had chosen to be an art teacher she simply said “I love my job” in such a manner that even if she had said something like “I love being a puddle of water” I would have believed her. Mrs. Talarico is a woman who is passionate about what she does and wants only to help young adults achieve their highest potential in all fields. She left it very clear that her choice in career was one of the best decisions she has taken.
It is widely known around school that Mrs.Talarico has received national awards for her works of poetry, but this humble writer doesn’t brag about the many children’s books she has published and the awards she has received for them as well.  When I asked where she gets inspiration she smiled and replied “the kids.” Being in an environment where she is able to help expand human minds she takes full advantage of her current position.

Mrs. Talarico has made SCCS richer this year with her encouraging words, kind actions and leading with example, example of someone who has perused her passion in life and is content with her decisions.
                                                                                                -Fabiana Peña Feeney

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